Universal Prayer

Lord our God, give us hearts of wisdom and grace, to watch over those you've been trusted to our care. We pray, O Lord

Lord, hear our prayer

Gracious God, gather in peace the peoples of this world and heal all hearts of all that divides us. We pray, O Lord

Lord, hear our prayer

Faithful God, give us eyes to see in those who suffer, the poor and homeless, the hungry and infirm. We pray, O Lord

Lord, hear our prayer

Wondrous God, instill in teachers and prophets the courage to guide us in the way of truth. We pray, O Lord

Lord, hear our prayer

Saving God, inspire artists and poets to create such beauty, that we can recognize your love and your grace. We pray, O Lord

Lord, hear our prayer

Holy God, give wisdom to those who lead us, and to all who guide us to the path of faith. We pray, O Lord

Lord, hear our prayer

Loving God, welcome home in mercy those who have died, and give comfort to their families and friends. We pray, O Lord

Lord, hear our prayer